Updated 12 Dec 2024

  1. All members are required to conform to the by-laws and to all regulations promulgated from time to time by the club.

  2. Permission must be obtained before entering private property and all property must be left as found.

  3. Stock, implements, fences or buildings must not be interfered with, and if holes are dug, these must be filled in.

  4. Members must not leave any rubbish on field trips. They must either take it home with them or dispose of it appropriately.

  5. No member shall carry firearms or any other offensive weapons on field trips.

  6. Field trips on public land/space: Members must comply with all rules and regulations that apply to that public land/space.

  7. Field trips on private property: Members must take extra care to comply with the instructions and wishes of the property owner and/or their representative. For example no taking of dogs onto, or smoking or vaping while on, private property without the express permission of the property owner or their representative.

  8. Greatest care must be taken on field trips to ensure the safety of others. Boulders or landslides must not be set in motion, and the risk of fire should be observed during dry conditions.

  9. Sharp pieces of stone must not be left on roadways or other thoroughfares where injury to property or persons might occur.

  10. Safety glasses/goggles should be worn when anyone is breaking rock around you – not just when you are chipping rock yourself. Safety glasses/goggles are a must for eye protection.

  11. Club members should take only what they need at the time and never strip an area of materials completely.

  12. When children are permitted on field trips their parent or caregiver is responsible for their children’s wellbeing at all times, and must ensure they directly supervise their children at all times.

  13. The driver of each car on a field trip is responsible for ensuring no-one in their car is left behind, and for carrying a suitable first aid kit in their car.

  14. The driver of each car on a field trip is responsible for informing the trip leader if they leave the field trip early.

  15. When carpooling in a field trip, the passengers should each give a suitable amount to the driver to cover car running costs.

  16. Members should strive at all times to promote the good name of the club by acting with courtesy to landowners, other collectors and members of the public.